How photography affects the world

I think the movie was okay. The story itself was cool but the movie itself wasn’t anything special. It showed war and how it can affect people that have been in it really well, it showed how being considered a hero can make people feel good or bad which I thought was cool. I also think it’s cool to find out the story of that picture because I really didn’t even know the story about it, I thought it was just a famous picture.

The photo in the movie affected the world by changing the way America viewed the guys, it changed the war itself, and it gave people hope. It changed the way people looked at all of those guys because they were viewed as heroes after that. Even though they didn’t really view themselves as heroes. It changed the war itself because it was used for the promotion of war bonds. It gave people hope because the photo was inspiring to people.

Other photos that have affected the world are the picture of someone in Vietnam getting executed and a photo of firefighters putting up the flag around the remains of the twin towers after 9/11. The photo of that person getting executed gave people a different perspective on the Vietnam war. It made people want it to stop and to stop sending soldiers into Vietnam. The photo of those firefighters affected people by giving them hope after this terrible tragedy and seeing those firefighters put up the flag on the debris of it all gave people hope that eventually it was going to be okay.


Conceptual Self Portraits

I think the word conceptual means something represented through something else that isn’t words. Like objects, and pictures just something that represents someone or hobbies they like.

The shoes represent my style.

The cup of pencils represents how I like art.

The trees represent how I like being outside.

The skateboard represents how I like skating.